Friday, 11 June 2021

                Speedway with the Kent Kings.

I was given stickers for the Kent Kings and Royals when I visited The Paradise Wildlife Park at Broxbourne at the Celebration of Speedway in February 2020. I was there in support of the display of Jim Tebby’s bike that is on loan to Whitewebbs Museum of Transport by the Crosby Family after the London Motorcycle Museum closed in October 2019. It was there I had an invitation to go to a speedway event to see the Kings in action. Covid messed up everyone’s plans and I have only just managed to get there. Tuesday June 8th was the day tickets purchased over the phone and collected at the gate. Gita came with me to experience the thrills and spills of an evening out on a warm and sunny day. We went in the Burton for 200 mile round trip via Eltham to visit our son for a break in the journey as Sittingbourne is some 90 mile drive from home.

 Central Park Stadium is the home of Kent Speedway it also supports greyhound racing as well as stock car racing. It used to be a football stadium until the club went bust and it was sold to the current owner. I met the manager when going in and he seemed to recognise me. I didn’t recognise him but when people are wearing masks it takes me a long time to work who they are. We had not met before. I am not surprised as it seems that I have a clone in every town in the country. We came prepared with chairs and water but no food that was supplied by a burger van on site. Having been suitably sustained the event kicked off at 6:30. Heat one started and stopped almost immediately and then we were in heat two with not even one lap completed and the rider in third position had a spill and the rider in fourth ran into him. Someone was injured requiring the ambulance to come onto the track. It took some time to get the injured rider sorted. In the mean time a tractor towing a rake was grooming the track providing something to watch. The rider had a foot injury and that was the end of his evening. Now things were hotting up with Scott Nicholls and Craig Cook duelling for wins with Broc Nicols of the Tigers being top scorer for the opposition. Scott Nicholls being top scorer for the Kings with 19 points. 

The Kings ran the Tigers closely until the mid-point but could not withstand the pressure losing 39 to 51 at the end. It was an enjoyable evening only marred by the tannoy system that garbled the sound in the arena. I have put together some pictures and a short video to give a flavour of the evening. If you can recognise who is riding let me know. Scott Nicholls is no 1 with Red colour to his helmet but was Blue when being a substitute. Craig Cook also no1 with White helmet colour. Broc Nicol no 2 was White and Yellow depending on grid position so without a clear tannoy I had no idea of who was riding but I still enjoyed the spectacle as our first public outing.

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