Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Christmas 2021


Thoughts for Christmas 2021


In spite of having had a cold, followed by a Covid booster jab I’ve still been ticking off little jobs. One that gave me some problems is how to tie down the LE to the trailer. I had made something a while ago which worked but pressure on the frame left rub marks so I wanted something better as there will be more frequent trailering in the future. I mused and fussed over what to do. Something under the seat but not over it as this can do damage to the seat base and also the cover. I have now come up with this version of the securing post. Straps can be attached on the upright section while an under the saddle overall strap over the horizontal guides. How this will work in practice I will have to find out but the information gained going to and from the Off Road Bike Show at the beginning of December was invaluable. Much of the old one has been re-used in making the new piece of mechanical art. I also made a new battery strap from 3mm bungee cord.

In November I had a visit to Whitewebbs Museum and left out this bit in the previous post but as Triumph has an electric bicycle I thought the interest in a Triumph electric bicycle from the fifties would deserve a mention. Not as sophisticated as the modern ones but very practical in that it is bolted to the front off-side fork leg and drives the front wheel by chain. Talking of Triumphs I appreciate the introduction of the 660 triple adventure bike, Tiger Sport.  Every manufacturer has their, too tall, too big and too top heavy version and for those real adventure people 300 to 400cc off road bikes or trail bikes are what they use. I’m a fan of Itchy Boots, she is on a 300 Honda and is managing to do some difficult stuff on her latest adventure riding to Alaska on mostly dirt roads.

Having just got the warranty work done on the airbag system on the fifteen year old Toyota Verso I was surprised they even bothered on that age of car. Job done for Christmas. I am now using premium fuel in that one along with all the other bikes and cars I have. The tickover had become rough and slow on the E10 fuel. I feel I have been forced to the more expensive option because what the government is foisting on us in not fit for purpose. Reports of dramatic drops in fuel economy hit the news regularly. We are paying for it by using more fuel. Ethanol does not have the thermal efficiency of petrol. It does not help the combustion process either. It removes some of the effectiveness of the burn. Not only is the fuel diluted 10% but it takes out 10% of the efficiency of the burn. In fact 20% loss in performance can be anticipated. You may as well just add water! That is not as daft as it sounds because water removes ethanol from petrol. Petrol and water do not mix so water extracts ethanol from petrol but you want to do it before you put it in your tank. Ethanol does not want to be there anyway better to leave it to be consumed other ways. Further to this is how is the ethanol is processed? It has to be distilled from an organic brew and I guess the distillation process is cheaper than that of petrol means even more profit for those selling it at the pump. Burning 20% more fuel does not fit with trying lower CO2 in our cities. Profits override everything. Covid is doing a better job. Working from home, fewer cars on the roads with a fear of going anywhere that could put you at risk. Best to stay in bed to manage it all.

Happy Christmas to one and all.

Monday, 13 December 2021

Off Road Bike Show 2021


Off Road Bike Show 2021.


This Kempton Park show brings us up to date but in the preceding week was quite busy with visits from the grandchildren over the weekend and our son’s birthday on the Monday and a visit to Whitewebbs Museum on Tuesday with George coming along. The visit was to ask about doing a curry event there with a view to promoting Gita’ cuisine. As usual things have to go to committee and we have to wait for a response. The gem of the day were the deliveries of two famous sports cars, both having been driven by the late Sterling Moss, the Cooper T51 and Connaught ASLR. Beautifully turned out they will make an impressive display. Don’t delay as they are only stabled at the museum over this winter and will be gone in the spring when the new season of classic racing begins.

This week has deteriorated into colds and nasty coughs for both of us. Problems with the show as two of the exhibitors had become ill and would not be there. Plan B was put into action by Janet and backups were substituted to keep the display up to par. I was not too bad on Thursday as I got bits ready for the show finding all the ratchet straps, bungey cords the things that hold the bike to the trailer. The car had a wash and polish, the LE had a wash and polish and a start up.  Friday I was not feeling quite so good with a streaming nose as I assembled the trailer. I managed to get the LE on the trailer on my own and successfully strapped it down. Trailer board lights worked and I was ready to go. Things were stable on the trailer and I was making steady progress to Kempton Park. That is until I got to Feltham and the engine died. I pushed of the road on to a wide pavement in front of a Florist where removed the pilot jet to find it was clean and the fuel pipe for blockages which had a lot of pressure inside it. Adjacent to the fuel pipe is a built in fuel filter in the carburettor which I removed and refitted and lo we were mobile again. It was not long before I was on the allocated stand with the LE waiting for reinforcements to arrive. It did not take long to create the scene with our back drop being a large picture of an open road. The remaining bikes would be arriving tomorrow as there was no more for me to do I went off home not feeling well.

Janet on Friday

Saturday dawned but I missed it. I messaged Janet that I would be late getting to the show. The reply was gratifying but I would have to go at some time to pick up the LE. The thought of not going out almost made me stay at home. I felt a little better and made my way to the show. I did not expect it but when I arrived I was bombarded with questions about the LE not only from club members but visitors as well. It made it worth all the effort. Seeing my travels on the big screen made it an impressive stand at the show.

The Gang


As I had been absent the bike information had not been displayed or the voting for the best stand so we didn’t win any prizes as the judges were not able to judge us. I don’t know if the effort generated any new members but it seemed everyone enjoyed the event and want to do another one. That would be the Southern Classic Show in May. Something to look forward to.

January 2025 Part 3

  January 2025 Part 3   The reason for staying at the Taj was to be close to the venue for the event being put on by Dipjyoti and Depank...