2023 bits and pieces.
July turned out to be a washout after the Brooklands show I took the El Cid to Whitchurch for some stitching and renovation by 2CV Mehari wizard Coops. That was a nice day out but left me only the Burton to play with and finding that the trip meter was not working properly I had to investigate. This was an upside down job with my head in the footwell to get to the wiring.
I even contacted Brantz, the trip meter people to get advice. After a bench test the meter was shown to be OK so the problem was the wiring in the console below the gear lever. A dodgy earth was the problem and fixed by soldering on a new earth tag also done in the footwell. Another fix were the mirrors finding replacements for ones I bought with the kit in 2014 were not so much a problem as I had been lead to believe and were still available from Europa Spares. I was beginning to tick off the list of bits to do. The Buell had problematic tick over and the cooling fan was seizing up and needed to be replaced before complete failure, replacement of the faulty neutral indicator switch and a check on the gearbox oil. In a day it was done and I had my smooth running Buell back again.
I did a bit of DIY at Ivy’s flat with removing the
kitchen work tops one at a time, sanding them down with a belt sander and
coating them with a hard wax oil to keep the water out. If it not done
regularly it all goes black and doesn’t look nice. That job was very dusty and
I needed hosing down after each session. Not a job to do in one go. I also made
a support bracket to hold the worktop at the sink where one should have been
fitted but wasn’t.
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