Monday, 25 March 2024

March 2024


March 2024

After having my rant in last months’ comment the ULEZ team has rescinded  the PCN for my brother and it has been paid in the planned way on my account. Every other thing is not going to plan. Our Government is failing us at every turn and making things more difficult for the man in the street. I don’t believe any politicians have any truth in them and we are not told the truth at any level. One thing is for sure is that their actions are making the situation worse. It would be nice to have something positive.

I have been checking over the Valiant for the up-coming London Classic bike show on 11th May. From last year I discovered sideways play in the rear pivot fork of over 1.5mm over 60 thou with my feeler gauges. My diagnosis of frame spread matches with putting spacers between the pivot fork mountings and the frame plate has removed the play and should improve the handling until the frame spreads again. Another 60 years. The job took quite some time mainly the hand crafting of the plates in stainless was hard work. That was about three hours. I think I have worn out my best file. Test ride between rain storms will happen soon along with one on the LE. Also on the Valiant I went to start it and when I pulled on the left petrol tap it was rather wet. The resultant leak has damaged the paint immediately below it on the left engine cover that will need to be repaired. I had a new tap insert tucked away in a drawer but it had a damaged cork. I drained the tank, removed the tap replaced the insert with a new cork and now it doesn’t leak. That took about an hour.

The Buell is in for sorting out and hopefully I will get it back before the end on the month fully sorted. I have been looking at the Kawasaki to fitting saddle bags with some sort of frame or throw-overs. I will have to be imaginative. After the last trip out in the Burton to Whitchurch there was on one occasion some clutch slip and after having the problem of changing free play it will be another job to do. A new clutch. The El Cid is still work in progress but an end date is on the horizon. It has been a challenging project encompassing some new ideas.

Gita’s Toyota is gone and we have a new car, a Citroen C3 Aircross that needs a tow bar fitted. The C3 is a very differ animal with a fierce clutch and even fiercer brakes. It is taking some getting used to. A similar difference between 2CV brakes and the early BXs. I had a B reg with a cylindrical speedo and digital bar rev counter and rocker switch indicators.  The second one  G reg was a reps car sanitised with stalk switch gear and , in comparison, heavy footed brakes. No great loss as it was written off by a tree in the gales of 99.

The van is not forgotten but I do have to get some suspension cans and a GSA 5 speed gearbox differential soon. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

February 2024 Comment


February 2024 Comment

Today I am not best pleased. I have an account with TFL to autopay ULEZ and Congestion charges just in case I stray unknowingly. I added my brothers’ car to my list thinking all would be well when he visited. Such was not the case receiving some 2 PCN notices for the incoming trip and outgoing. I have challenged this on both accounts. I, of course, checked  that his car was on my account. When I checked yesterday it was there but today it wasn’t.

I have had another problem that each time I log in my password is not recognised and I have had to reset it. Four times this week! It seems that not only does it forget my password it conveniently forgets what has happened previously. I’m sure I am not the only one being persecuted by this but there is no one to talk to about it.

These problems are a drop in the ocean compared to the plight of the Palestinians. I am horrified by the continued barbarism of the Israeli army but more worrying is what is the on-looking world doing about it? It seems still just looking. Only a few terrorist groups are challenging the situation. Who is calling who terrorists? What is the remaining Arab world also doing? I cannot believe our media coverage is so biased toward Israel and what they broadcast is what they are told to. I see no freedom of speech and anything that comes from the mouths of our politicians is not believable either. Suppression of our right to protest is clearly the government trying to stop anyone challenging them on their decisions and supporting Israel. I see this as a force to control the masses to a point of impunity. I see on every western news media the influences of Israel controlling the narrative. I, as an individual, have no action other than to protest. I will be there with the Palestinian protestors. This unruly mob that threatens the fabric of society and must be stopped! What utter rubbish is being fed to us? It is a Wednesday and time to put out the rubbish for collection tomorrow. If only I could do the same for the politicians and their rubbish. Is that too anti-Semitic? What is the definition of anti Semitic? Apparent there is none. I have been quietly advised that it is “Anything” that a Jew doesn’t like. Get real. Can I use religion, colour, political views, sex or cult for my views. Apparently not because I have not come from the promised land but the Palestinians have and are being persecuted for it. This situation will not end well for any of us. So much animosity will be released at some point. October 7th 2023 is an example. I don’t want to know what is next but it will not be pleasant

January 2025 Part 3

  January 2025 Part 3   The reason for staying at the Taj was to be close to the venue for the event being put on by Dipjyoti and Depank...