No real big jobs over the last month or so but
things to do with little things. There was the LE Club meeting on the first
Tuesday soon to be moved to the third
Tuesday from September onwards. An entertaining evening followed by Observed Sunday
on the first Sunday of the month. I went on the Kawasaki as the Buell was still
blowing on the rear cylinder header pipe. A warm day with showers that I
managed to miss on my travels.
The Buell finally got to Snobbs when there was a
break in their busy schedule. When
firing up the header pipe leak had gone. Probably because I had tweaked the
front clamping bolt on the silencer a few times over the past week to maintain
the tension on my home made strap. The trip to Snobbs on Hangar lane roundabout
was a hot one. Stuck in traffic for the HS2 works the heat coming off the down
pipes did a scorching job on my Kevlar jeans cooking my legs. I have yet to
comment on this until now. I think it is a complete waste of money. If it
conveyed freight to help solve our perceived pollution problem I could
understand the investment by why do we need a not very high speed and expensive
passenger service? It will not even provide a full service. Public transport in
the UK is far too expensive compared to anywhere in Europe and ours is still
subsidised. I have to question the rationale for any of this other than money
and jobs for the boys. None of which I voted for and how did this get underway?
Was it there was a big problem with a pandemic and was kept out of the public
domain until nothing could stop it? More will come to light along with the
massive fraud committed by MP’s and PPE. I’m pleased we have had an election so
recompense can begin.
A couple of things helped fill my days. I was
getting out the wooden garden furniture when I discovered some damage from
storage. One of the slats in the chair back had some water damage that had made
the wood soft. An easy fix by removing the soft wood and replacing it with some
hard stuff. A little bit of mahogany I had laying around and some outdoor PVA
to stick it back together. No screws used and a coat of external varnish
completed the job. I have bought some metal framed chairs that are easier to
stack and store so I need to find a good home for six chairs and a large octagonal
table. Any takers?
While it was quiet Gita was hard at work completing
a crazy shapes 600 piece puzzle. Problem was there were only 599 pieces, To
make it complete I embarked into creating what might said to be a masterpiece.
First of all was to make a template on paper then one from card. I had no thick
card but four layers of tissue box was about right glued together. From the
pattern I used a pointed punch to perforate the card along the outline which
was easy enough to break through with a fine pointed knife. A little bit of
trimming to get a better shape against the template, hand painted with
watercolours and a quick spray over with clear varnish it was ready to fit.
Unfortunately Gita had returned the puzzle to its component parts before I had
finished. We have do the puzzle again to see if it fits.